March 2024
Dear Mary and Ron,
And so, the miracle continues. On March 21, 2024 I was presented with the Meritorious Service Medal from Her Excellency, Right Honourable Mary May Simon, Governor General of Canada. (The Meritorious Service Cross may be awarded in the civil division to any person referred to in subsection 5(2) for the performance, on or after June 11, 1984, of a deed or activity in an outstanding profession manner or of an uncommonly high standard that brings considerable benefit or great honour to Canada.) I am so deeply honoured and humbled by this honour. It was an auspicious day as it is the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere – a day of new beginnings and new hope.

I would like to use this honour to further the Christmas miracle of building 40 small homes for the over 55s in our community who are unable to meet their rental needs and cannot afford senior residential accommodations. The first four housing units will begin to be built in late spring.
Shalom Small Homes has started a campaign to encourage 1 million people to purchase my book (audio books are now available) OR 1 million people to donate $10.00 , Euros, pounds, etc direct to our bank account by using E- transfer through our email address – Go to our web site for more information.
I have been told endlessly that nobody can do this – a refrain I have heard all my life. Yet I have a God who endlessly moves mountains so that I can do all these things. That He has chosen each of you to be a part of this miracle is a far greater honour to me than all the medals in the world. I am so very grateful for each of you.
Thank you,

Janne Ritskes, M.S.M.
PS – I now have letters behind my name, another gift I never expected